Wingnut Cycles began as an anti-biker biker movement in 1995 in a squatter occupied building on
NYC's Lower East Side. Wingnut Cycles is about sharing a love for two, three wheeled vehicles regardless of size or make,
while maintaining a sense of humor.
You may self proclaim yourself as a member of Wingnut Cycles!
Van began his love of bikes at age 9 when he jumped a Sears mini bike
on a dare.* This started a love affair that has entered its 4th decade. Van also makes up Wingnut Racing and was a full time
Motorcycle Safety Instructor, though to see him race you'd never know. He proudly maintains his "I wouldn't want to be
a member of any club that would have me as a prospect" attitude. He did a stint as an EMT and went on to Dispatch
ambulances in Brooklyn. Van has since hung up his stethoscope, shifted gears and was driving a Biodiesel
Tanker until a race crash ended that. Van, having healed from the crash that ended his race career has made a full recovery
and has spent his time on an ATC200X, BW350, TY200 (mono trials bike) and a 1989 RMX250. He can be found tearing
up trails and motocross tracks. Any and all donations can be made through to He is an avid Harm
Reductionist and has been working to reduce HIV/HCV, Unintended Opiate Overdose and injection related harm amongst people
who use drugs since the early 1990's. * eventually we broke the mini bikes frame, escaped
unscathed and moved onto bikes that had suspension.